
37 Years of Prison Experience



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geo group inc

Vice President of Internal Affairs

I worked as the Vice President of Internal Affairs for the GEO Group. GEO is the world leader in private corrections. I had oversight of the corporation’s Internal Affairs program. GEO has 24K employees at 400 locations and during my 9-year stint, I had oversight of 18K cases. I often worked closely with the FBI, State, and County investigators to help build cases and execute action.


Boca Raton, FL

2009 - 2018


•Trained Thousands of Staff in Investigative Strategies
•Gathered Evidence
•Taught Interrogation Techniques
•Taught Effective & Efficient Report Writing



Department of justice & Department of state

Special Advisor to Iraqi Correctional System

As a Special Advisor to the Iraq Correctional System (ICS), I worked under the auspices of the Department of Justice and the Department of State.  My main responsibility was to enforce human rights standards within the ICS. This was accomplished by working closely with the Iraqi Minister and Deputy Minister of Justice.  I also had several contracted trainers working daily within the various Iraqi prisons. I lived in the US Embassy (green zone), but worked largely in the red zone. I met weekly with the military’s top generals and the US Ambassador to provide progress updates. I worked closely with the US military branches to critique and oversee detention operations.


Baghdad, Iraq

Security Clearance
Top Secret

January - September (2009)


•Emergency & Evasive Driving
•Advanced Weapons Training
•Iraqi Geopolitical Training
•Iraqi Language & Culture



Federal bureau of prisons

Federal Prison Warden and Associate Warden

In my capacities as Warden and Associate Warden, I was responsible for over 1,000 staff and nearly 5,000 inmates. I housed the Aryan Brotherhood leadership from the state of California and the Federal Prison System as they progressed through a Federal Capital Murder Trial. I also held the top leadership of prison gangs from South Central Los Angeles as well as Norteno and Sureno geographic prison groups. I supervised maximum security inmates, geriatric inmates, female inmates, and transgender inmates. These included murderers, bank robbers, embezzlers, high-level drug dealers and traffickers, rapists, and child molesters.


United States

1982 - 2009

Executive Level Roles

•Warden at Federal Correctional Institution Terminal Island, CA
•Warden at Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc, CA
•Deputy Director of Human Resource Management, Washington, DC
•Associate Warden at Metropolitan Detention Center, Los Angeles, CA
•Associate Warden at Federal Medical Center, Fort Worth, TX
•Warden’s Executive Assistant, Federal Correctional Institution Phoenix, AZ
•Deputy Chief, Security and Background Investigations, Washington, DC
•Special Agent, Office of Internal Affairs, Washington, DC
•Senior Human Resource Specialist, Washington, DC